
Upcoming Events

10 April, 2025, 3-5 pm: Reading in Parts: An HDR/ECR Masterclass with Professor Kathleen Lubey (St. John’s University).

The archive of sexuality often subjects gender minorities to violence and stigmatization. We’ll work with scientific and pornographic primary sources to resist this historical problem, stitching together parts of texts to reveal speculative, open-ended perspectives on sexual justice and gender diversity.

Places in the masterclass are limited. If you are interested in attending the masterclass please email Amelia Dale with an EOI briefly outlining your research background to secure a place at your earliest convenience, and before 7 March, 2025.

This masterclass is supported by the ANU Gender Institute and CEMS.

11 April 2025: The Unliterary Eighteenth Century: Gender and Marginal Texts.

A one-day symposium hosted by the Gender Institute at the Australian National University in collaboration with the CEMS. The keynote speakers are Professor Kathleen (Lubey St. John’s University) and Professor Gillian Russell (The University of York). For information and registration, click here.

7-8 August 2025: Marginalia and the Early Modern Woman Writer, 1500-1700

This symposium, hosted by CEMS at the National Library of Australia, invites papers and panels interpreting this exciting new textual corpus and discussing the theoretical and methodological challenges involved in locating, attributing and analysing marginalia by early modern women, elite and non-elite, known and unknown. See the CFP.

December 2025: CEMS seminar with Professor Lorna Hutson (Merton College, Oxford).

CEMS will host this seminar on behalf of the International Consortium of Centres for Early Modern Studies. Details TBA.

Past Events

Wednesday 28 August, 2024: CEMS Work-In-Progress Seminar 1/2024

Wednesday 27 March, 2024: CEMS Seminar with Matthew Spriggs, “Of Spriggans, Periwigians and Cornish Ancient Monuments: Hidden Treasures in British Library Additional Manuscript 51020 of the Early 18th Century”

21-23 March, 2024: CEMS at RSA Chicago