Una McIlvenna has published her first article in Spanish (translated by Juan Gomis Coloma): “El sonido de la muerte inminente: las baladas de ajusticiados en Europa (siglos XVI-XIX),” in Boletín de Literatura Oral 6, Special Issue “Los sonidos de la horca: la literatura de patíbulo en Europa (y más allá) [The Sounds of the Scaffold: Gallows Literature in Europe (and Beyond)],” eds. Juan Gomis Coloma (2023).
Ian Higgins’ chapter “Religion” is included in The Cambridge Companion to Gulliver’s Travels, ed. Daniel Cook and Nicholas Seager (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024).
Fleur Goldthorpe has a book chapter “Catherine of Bragança, dowager queen of England’s Anglophile Counsel in Portugal, 1693-1705,” published in Later Stuart Queens, 1660–1735: Religion, Political Culture, and Patronage, ed. Eilish Gregory and Michael C. Questier (Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024).