State Papers Online Acquisition

State Papers Online Acquisition

by Centre for Early Modern Studies

CEMS is delighted to announce ANU Library’s acquisition of Gale State Papers Online (SPO). These are significant primary resource databases for studies of early modern and eighteenth-century Britain and Europe. At the request of CEMS’ director Professor Ros Smith, Broderick Proeger investigated the possibility of purchasing these resources, made possible by a significant investment from the ANU flood replacement fund. Because this is such a large purchase, Gale is also providing ANU early modern scholars with free access to their Digital Scholar Lab, a valuable tool for data analysis and digital humanities.

CEMS members and librarians attended a training session in October to learn more about these databases and the resources they contain.

The primary resource databases include:

  • SPO: 1509-1714 (part 1-4)
  • SPO: The Stuart and Cumberland Papers from the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle
  • SPO: 18th-c 1714-1782 (part 1-4)
  • SPO: Colonial Asia (part 1 and 2)
  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online (part 1 and 2)

Access is via ANU’s Chifley Library here.

To learn more about working with the archives go to the Gale State Papers Online Learning Centre.