On August 23, 2021, the fruit of four years’ labour was launched.
This searchable index of Early Modern Women’s Complaint Poetry reveals women’s engagement with the powerful and ubiquitous rhetorical mode of complaint during the English Renaissance. The team behind the Index are Rosalind Smith (ANU), Sarah Ross (Victoria University of Wellington), Michelle O’Callaghan (University of Reading), and Jake Arthur (University of Oxford). Mitchell Whitelaw (ANU) built the interface for this unique digital first-line index.
The Early Modern Women’s Complaint Poetry Index (DOI: 10.25911/SE1P-Z688) is the innovative digital output of an ARC funded Discovery Project Early Modern Women and the Poetry of Complaint, 1540-1660 (DP 170103439).
More than 500 women’s complaint poems from 1530-1680 are searchable, here: https://cems.anu.edu.au/complaintindex/