Centre for
Early Modern Studies

Welcome to the Centre for Early Modern Studies at ANU
The Centre brings together a vibrant multidisciplinary group of humanities scholars and graduate researchers who study the long early modern period (1450-1800). Our research and teaching areas include history, art and design, literary and bibliographical studies, theatre and performance history, languages and historical linguistics, and the digital humanities. With four current ARC-funded projects totalling over $2 million, our researchers are developing new models of collaborative humanities research. We welcome you to explore our research, to make contact with us to share news of your projects, and to join our events and activities.
The Centre coordinates the International Consortium of Centres for Early Modern Studies (ICCEMS), partnering with the Centre for Early Modern Studies at Oxford, the London Renaissance Seminar, the Irish Renaissance Seminar and the Paris Renaissance Seminar. More details to come.
Research streams


Material Cultures

Digital Humanities
Digital projects

Early Modern Women’s Complaint Poetry Index

Beyond the Book: Transforming the early modern archive

Marginalia and the Early Modern Woman Writer
Choix de Chansons
Parergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies. We are especially interested in material that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries and takes new approaches.
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